Important Information:


All children waiting for care will be placed on our online waitlist through Fastoche.  When spaces become available, the Executive Director or designate will be offering the spaces to families based on the date they were added to the waitlist, the spot available, the child’s DOB, and a variety of other factors.

Priority will be given as follow for the PR247 Site (next to Caisse Community Centre) and the Beaudry Site (next to La Salle School):

  • children of the centre staff members, regardless where they live
  • siblings of children currently enrolled at the centre
  • children that live in La Salle

Priority will be given as follows for the Prairie View Lakes Site (NEW- 100 Nathan Drive):

  • children of the centre staff members, regardless where they live
  • siblings of children already enrolled at the centre
  • children that live in the R.M. of Macdonald

Note: At this time, we will only offer full-time spaces.

Transfers from the infant room to preschool room are not guaranteed, but will be considered before other applications for preschool and shall be initiated when the child meets the proper age requirement, or at the discretion of the Executive Director with approval by the parent/guardian and ELCC.

Transfers between sites (based on preference) are not guaranteed, but will be considered before other applications from the waitlist.  Transfers will follow our established priority list (staff members’ children, siblings of those currently enrolled).

Priority will NOT be given to younger siblings of those that are enrolled in the Kindergarten Program, unless they were enrolled in our infant/preschool programs at the PR247 Site, the Beaudry Site or the Prairie View Lakes Site prior to moving to the Kindergarten Program.


Our waitlist is confidential, and we do not share where your child is on the waitlist.  It is very difficult to predict what things will look like for us in the coming months, and it is best to wait until you have been officially offered a spot.

Spot offers will be made via email, no more than four weeks prior to the spot opening.  You will have 48 hours to accept or decline the spot.  In order to secure the spot, registration fees must be sent immediately via e-transfer payment.


Registration will be considered completed once the following criteria have been met:

  • The parents/guardians or designate has met with the Executive Director/Assistant Director, and entered relevant information regarding his/her child(ren) into the Fastoche program
  • All consents have been reviewed and a non-refundable registration fee of $100 has been paid.
  • In the case of parents changing their mind on or after the planned start date, two-week notice in writing must be provided to the centre and the registration fee will be used towards fees for the required notice period. Parent will be responsible for paying the remaining parent fees as soon as possible.

Fees and Payment:


Maximum child care fees in all licensed programs are set by Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Program.


$10.00 per infant per full day (4-10hrs)

$15.00 per infant per day (over 10hrs)


$10.00 per child per full day (4-10hrs)

$15.00 per child per day (over 10hrs)

Kindergarten Program:

$10.00/day (9:00am-3:30pm)

Billing periods consist of 20 days and are based on the provincial facility reporting schedule.  For new children, child care fees are due on the first day of attendance for the applicable days in the billing period. All fees are due in full on the first scheduled day of the billing period.   Fees are to be paid by e-transfer, cheque or money order.  Cash payments will not be accepted.

Should a cheque payment be rejected by your financial institution, you will be notified in writing and your child care fees plus a service charge of $30.00 (NSF charge) will be due immediately.

Child care fees must be paid in full on the first scheduled day of each billing period.  If not paid by then, late fees will be applied as follows:

  • Week 2 past due, Monday 9:00am – $10.00 late fee charge with a letter advising fees must be paid immediately from Executive Director/Board of Directors.
  • Week 3 past due, Monday 9:00am – $10.00 late fee charge with letter advising of referral to a collection agency and child may be withdrawn from program unless payments arrangements are made – from Executive Director/Board of Directors.
  • Week 4 past due (prior to next billing period), Monday 9:00am – your child will be considered withdrawn and account referred to collection agency if balance is over $100.00.

Please note if there is a pattern with late payments, the Executive Director may instruct the staff to refuse care until fees are paid. This will be done discreetly to protect your privacy.


A non-refundable registration fee of $100 is due upon registration.  This fee can be paid by cheque or e-transfer.


We are open Monday-Friday, 7:00am-5:30pm.   The centre closes at 5:30PM and the closing staff need to leave on time. Parents, guardians or designates picking up your child are expected to arrive in enough time to speak to staff, gather your child’s belongings, dress your child for the weather, and leave the centre by 5:30PM. Any parent, guardian, or authorized person who is not out of the centre by 5:30PM will be considered late in picking up their child(ren) and late fees will be applied.

If a child is not picked up by 5:30PM, and we have not been notified, the following steps will be taken:

  1. The closing staff will call parents/guardians at the home or work numbers that we have on file.
  2. If we are unsuccessful at contacting the parents/guardians, we will call the emergency contacts that we have on file.
  3. If there is no contact with a parent/guardian or emergency contact person by 6:30PM, we will contact Child and Family Services.
  4. The closing staff/Executive Director will wait with your child until a social worker arrives.

If children have not physically left the Centre by 5:30p.m according to the Centre’s clock, the parent will be billed $2.00 per minute per child in late fees.  If a family has had three late pick-ups, the Board of Directors reserves the right to provide the family with a two-week written notice advising that they no longer have a space at the Centre.  If a fourth offense occurs, the Board of Directors reserves the right to withdraw the child care spot without notice.


$20.00 per child will be charged for the cost of purchasing sunscreen and mosquito repellent for outdoor play each year (or provide your own). The fees will be charged in the first week of May for children enrolled earlier in the year or at the time of registration if enrolling after May.


Parents/Guardians must provide the Centre with two (2) weeks written notice to withdraw their child(ren) from the centre.  If payment received exceeds the two-week period, the Executive Director will first apply payment to any outstanding balance and refund the remainder. If two (2) weeks written notice is not provided, regular fees will be applied.

*Parents provide all lunches/snacks for their child.  There are no additional fees for lunch or snack, unless we are hosting a fundraiser lunch for the children.


Please inform the centre if your child will be absent by 9:30AM. If your child will be away for 10 or more days, please provide written notice to the Executive Director.   When your child is absent, payment is still required for the regular days your child would attend.

In the circumstance where the child has not been in care for 10 days and no contact has been made with the centre by the parent/guardian, it will be assumed that the child no longer requires care and the space will be cancelled. During the two-week period the Executive Director/Supervisor of the program will make every effort to contact the family using the information provided at the time of registration.

Fees will accrue during this time and the two-week notice period will begin once it has been determined that the space has been forfeited.


Fees must be paid for all registered days.  (No fee adjustments are made for statutory holidays, illness/absenteeism or removal from the program for any other reason). Parents of full time children will pay all statutory holidays.




La Salle Kidz Inc. will make every effort to remain open throughout the year, however, in the event of extremely adverse circumstances, including severe storms, adverse road conditions, or other emergency, the Executive Director and Board Chair (or designate) may decide to close the centres to ensure safety of the staff, children, and families. The centre will follow Seine River School division closures for severe storms (not for temperature or windchill below -45C). If the Centre is closed it will be announced on CJOB, Fastoche, the website and/or Facebook page and via email by 6:15am.

In the event that some staff members are unable to make it to the Centre on a storm day but we are able to remain open, children will be accepted at the Centre on a first come, first served basis, and priority will be given to parents who work outside the home.    Parents/Guardians may be asked to keep their child(ren) home (at no charge) or to wait with children at the centre until ratios are met.


If families are applying for subsidy, please ensure that it is done prior to the enrollment date. Applications can be filled out online at  If subsidy has not been approved by the enrollment date, the parents/guardians are responsible for the full fees. If subsidy is approved after the  enrollment date and it is retroactive, the fees paid earlier will be refunded or credited accordingly.

For families receiving subsidy, you must notify the Child Care Subsidy Office immediately upon all changes, especially regarding:

  • Employment termination
  • Child withdrawal from centre
  • Increase/decrease in family income
  • Start of new employment
  • Or as required by Subsidy Office


At La Salle Kidz Inc., we strive to provide a safe, caring, learning environment for children,
staff and families.

We believe in the equality of people and respect diversity.

The following people are expected to behave in a respectful manner and comply with this
code of conduct:
– Board of Directors
– Management and staff members
– Children
– Parents/guardians of children enrolled
– Prospective parents/guardians
– Volunteers, visitors, practicum students, substitutes and all others involved with our

Guiding Principles for Appropriate Behaviour:
Be Respectful
We are respectful of our mission, philosophy, goals and objectives of La Salle Kidz Inc. We are
respectful of ourselves and other people. We are respectful of the ideas and feelings of others.
We are respectful of the environment, equipment and materials. Each person will also respect
the right of the program to be presented in a positive and favorable manner to others.
Be Safe
We work and play safely to keep ourselves and others from getting hurt.
Be Cooperative
We solve any problems or conflicts by talking and listening to each other respectfully to find a
solution. When we cannot solve a problem ourselves, we ask for help.
Be Supportive of Learning
We learn to the best of our abilities and support the learning of others. We strive to create
environment that would be conducive to each individual’s Social, Physical, Intellectual,
Creative and Emotional development.
Maintain Confidentiality
All personal information, not limited to addresses, phone numbers, living arrangements,
medical details, etc. shall be kept confidential unless permitted to be shared by the individuals

Developmental Capabilities of Children
We understand that it is normal for children to display inappropriate behaviour at times for a
variety of reasons. The developmental capabilities of each child will always be considered when
determining both expectations for behaviour and consequences of inappropriate behaviour.

Appropriate Use of Technology
All children, parents, staff and others involved in our centre must use e-mail, electronic devices
and the Internet according to our policies. This protects people’s privacy and the confidentiality
of information. Anyone violating this rule will be subject to a range of consequences.
Children and adults are not allowed to put photos, audio or video recordings or information about
the children, staff or the children’s families on their cell phone, electronic device or the Internet
without the person’s (or parent’s) written permission.

Unacceptable Behaviours

The following behaviours by children, staff, parents, prospective parents, and others
involved in our centre are unacceptable:
– all forms of bullying (physical, verbal, emotional, social or cyber bullying), including
comments, actions or visual displays that are intentional, hurtful and repetitive
– harassment, including behaviour that degrades, demeans, humiliates or embarrasses
someone that a reasonable person would know is unwelcome
– all forms of abuse (sexual, physical or psychological), including verbally, in writing or
– discrimination against any person or group because of their race, colour, ancestry,
nationality or place of origin, ethnic background, religion, age, sex, gender-determined
characteristics, sexual orientation, marital and family status, source of income, political
belief and physical or mental disability
– inappropriate language/disrespectful communication (including but not limited to
shouting or name-calling, angry tones, swearing, finger-pointing, threats, or degrading
– actions that put another person at risk of harm, including violent physical acts (with or
without a weapon) and uttering threats
– Slander about the Centre. That is – speaking to others, posting online, interviewing with
media outlets, or otherwise, about things that are untrue, unfairly biased, intentionally
omitting key details, or not fully investigated.

Proactive Strategies:

We actively strive to create an environment that supports the health, safety and well-being
of the children by:
– having realistic and developmentally appropriate expectations for behaviour
– setting up the environment and materials to encourage appropriate behaviour and reduce
potential for inappropriate behaviour
– planning a program based on children’s interests and developmental needs
– establishing consistent yet flexible schedules and routines that help children gain trust,
security and self control

We create a positive environment for children, parents, staff and others involved in our
centre by:
– being respectful, supportive of others, ethical in all decisions, and safe in all day to day
– developing positive relationships, including making time to talk and listen
– establishing clear, consistent, and simple limits that are developmentally appropriate
– guiding children to develop at their own pace, stating limits in a positive way and
periodically reminding people
– providing explanations for limits, rules, policies, bylaws, and procedures
– working together to solve problems by following appropriate lines of communication
– modelling and encouraging appropriate behaviour
– use a variety of guiding techniques such as positive reinforcements, redirecting, etc
– providing activities that encourage “community” amongst staff and families – keeping
staff and families involved

Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviour:

We will consistently respond to inappropriate behaviour by children, parents, staff and
others involved in our centre by:
– reminding everyone of expectations, limits, rules, policies and procedures
– using a respectful approach to explain why a behaviour is inappropriate and what
behaviour is expected
– talking only about the behaviour, not labelling the person
– responding sympathetically and acknowledging feelings
– establishing natural, logical consequences

Depending on the severity and frequency of the behaviour, we will consider further steps
such as:
– learning what may be contributing to the inappropriate behaviour and how to help reduce
or eliminate the behaviour
– having formal or informal meetings to discuss concerns and to develop an action plan to
encourage appropriate behaviour in the future
– giving a written warning or developing a written contract that outlines specific concerns
and consequences if the behaviour continues
– accessing outside resources for help, such as:
˃ a behaviour specialist or other professionals to help staff understand and reduce a
child’s inappropriate behaviour
˃ child and family services to access parenting supports
˃ mediation services to resolve conflicts between adults within the workplace
˃ the Manitoba Human Rights Commission for information and advice to resolve an
issue informally or to make a formal complaint if the behaviour involves
discrimination or harassment
˃ If the breach/behaviour is illegal, such as abuse, uttering threats, assault, etc., the
RCMP will be called to the scene to remove the individual from the facility and a
report will be made with Child and Family Services, if required.

In extreme cases, we will take additional steps such as:
Parents/guardians will bring the concern to the Executive Director’s attention; information will
be gathered and if a breach did occur, the Executive Director will make a decision about the best
course of action, ranging from an informal conversation to termination, as outlined in the
centre’s personnel policies.

Documentation of the situation will be written and stored in the child’s file and through
behaviour reports. Depending on the severity of the incident(s), information will be gathered
from all staff/other adults involved. The situation will be handled using the steps outlined in the
centre’s Behaviour Management Policy.

If the Executive Director or Educators are the target of a Code of Conduct breach:
1. The event will be documented, and the Centre’s Board of Directors will be informed.
2. Staff will be informed of the incident, if necessary.
3. The Parent will be reminded of the details of the Code of Conduct, and
will be made aware, through a written warning, that their behaviour constitutes a breach
of our Code of Conduct. The parent/guardian will be invited to resolve the matter with
the Executive Director during a face-to-face meeting. Depending on the severity, a board
member may act as a witness to this meeting.
4. If the first incident is deemed severe enough to threaten the safety of any of the
educators, children, other families, etc., the family will be either suspended or withdrawn
immediately. This decision will be made by the Executive Director in conjunction with
the Board of Directors. In the case of a suspension, a special meeting of the Board of
Directors will be held as soon as possible to discuss whether the family’s spot(s) will be
reinstated, or if they will be withdrawn from the program.

In the event of a second incident in which a parent/guardian harasses or mistreats a staff
member; the following actions will result:
1. The family will immediately be withdrawn from the program, without notice.
2. All personal belongings of the child/children will be collected.
3. Any monies paid to the centre such as fees or deposits will be forfeited, and any outstanding
fees will still be payable in full.
4. Written notification will be provided within 2 business days of termination from the program.
The letter will contain the following:
• Information detailing the harassing incidents that resulted in the child/children being
removed from the program.
• The details of the breached policy.
• The contact information for the Chair of the Board of Directors, should the Parent choose
to appeal the decision.

Extended Family/Friends Who Pickup at La Salle Kidz Inc.:
If the Executive Director or Educators are the target of a Code of Conduct breach by a non-parent, that person will be banned from the centre, effective immediately.
-The parents will be notified of the situation that occurred with their family member/friend and
will be encouraged to add a new contact to their pick-up list.
-The event will be documented in the child(ren)’s file.

Prospective Parents:
If the Executive Director or another staff member encounters disrespect/threatening behaviour
from the community/hopeful waitlist parents, we will record that person’s contact information
and consider their behaviour to be a breach of our Code of Conduct. A space will not be offered
to that family.

In the Executive Director’s absence, the Assistant Director may act in the Director’s stead, with
the same authority.

La Salle Kidz Inc. Email, Internet and Electronic Devices Policy:
Children, staff and all others using our child care centre’s computer and electronic devices must:
– respect and protect the privacy of others
– respect and protect the integrity of all electronic resources
– respect and protect the intellectual property (the ideas, creations and copyrights) of others
– communicate in a respectful manner
– report threatening or inappropriate material
Inappropriate use includes:
– intentionally accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that
• violates the confidentiality of children, parents or staff of the
• violates the centre’s code of conduct (such as messages that are
pornographic, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to
• Is illegal (such as obscenity, stolen materials or illegal copies of
copyrighted works)
– using the technological resources for personal use without the center’s permission
Supervision and Monitoring:
Authorized employees of the centre have the right to monitor the use of information technology
resources and to examine, use, and disclose any data found. They may use this information in
disciplinary actions and release it to the police if it is criminal in nature.
Staff members’ use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices:
– Staff make sure that anyone who may need to contact them during working hours knows
to call the centre’s phone number.
– If staff take a personal cell phone for safety purposes on outings with children, it is only
used for contact with the centre, and/or emergency contact with the centre or a child’s
– If staff use a personal cell phone, camera or other device to photograph or videotape
children (with permission of the centre and parents), the data is downloaded onto the
centre’s computer and deleted from their phone or device with a witness from the
– Information about children, parents, staff and the centre (including photos or videos) are
not to be posted on:
• Staff members personal web space
• Any social networking website e.g. blogs, Snapchat, Facebook,
Intagram, etc.
• Public networking or file sharing sites like Photobucket, Flickr,
• Any other type of internet website.

– Staff do not accept children as “friends” or “buddies” when using social networking sites
such as Facebook or Instagram.
– All staff must sign a Technology Confidentiality Agreement upon employment.